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Jewellery Repairs
If your ring becomes too tight or too loose it can be resized: by resizing we can make it smaller or larger by adding or removing metal alloy. With stone set rings or delicate rings metal should be added so the integral strength of the ring is not affected.
The only exception to this is a plain wedding band. For example, if it’s a plain wedding band it can be stretched as it has no stones or engraving which can be damaged. It is essential to make sure your finger size is correct.
We can resize eternity rings. They require careful removal of settings until the correct size is achieved and metal cannot be misaligned as the slightest distortion will alter the ring setting and the stones might be loosened.
Half-eternity rings can be tricky to repair as the stone set part of the ring cannot be made too small as the shape will alter and this will result in the ring being uncomfortable to wear or the setting being loose and the stones potentially falling out.
In this case we add an inner shank inside the shank of the ring so that the finger size is correct.
With age, our fingers can change in shape and size owing to joint wear or arthritis plus changes in your fingers make it difficult to put your wedding or engagement ring on.
However, we can adjust your rings so you are able to wear them without the pain or irritating slackness. We can also add pips or a sprung retainer inside the shank which will allow you to wear your ring. We are here to help.
Shanks are the part of ring that holds the ring to your finger - the band part. They vary in depth, thickness, design, size profile and metal.
When rings get older, especially if they wear against other rings, they can get very thin and are too weak to sensibly repair: the best option is to replace the shank which strengths the ring all around.
Full shank means shoulder to shoulder, half shank is the lower half of the ring. We will advise on the best possible process to achieve the proficient outcome for your ring.
From a Certified Diamond or a Ruby to an Emerald, Sapphire or any gem or stone, if it is missing or damaged, we can help find you another one in almost any shape, size, style or cut, notwithstanding availability.
Claws are the metal fingers that keep your stones in your ring. They can become worn and can break off over time. It is possible to repair them and we can part repair the tip known as retipping, or we can fully replace all claws or those most necessary ones.
As a company we advise full replacement, as we are unsure of the history of repairs to the article. And we want you to have as much metal over the stones as possible, keeping them in place as is practicable.
If your stones have fallen out or your jewellery appears a little misshapen, it could be setting damage, which can happen by accident or with age. The setting is the main structure of the ring - the setting holds the shape and the design of the article.
Basically, the skeletal body of the structure, the framework that holds everything in place. There are two parts to a setting: the main setting, sometimes known as the gallery and the second part which holds the stones and is known as the top setting.
Whether the top setting be claw set, rub over or pave, grain or tension set, the top of the ring is most exposed. All styles of setting can be repaired whether it be a part or full replacement of a damaged area.
It is more efficient to replace everything, but this obviously is dependent upon budget and the level of wear. Please bear in mind we cannot guarantee setting work.
The shoulder is the part of the ring that joins to the head, (the top). We can reinforce it or replace the shoulder section of the ring, with either the original design or another style whichever is more suitable to your taste.
The under bezel is the part of the setting that holds your stone in place: In certain situations, your setting can become damaged either by removing too much metal in the case of a repair or an article being damaged. Either way we can repair and put correct.
The colet is attached to the ring shoulder this can become dislodged if the solder joint breaks or by an accident. This can be resoldered together to make correct from an aesthetic point of view.
When your ring is out of vogue and you want a remodel, we can redesign and totally reconstruct the ring for you from scratch. It is always good practice to start a fresh with new alloys however whatever the style we can produce your piece to your design.
Casting parts are made in all manufacturing processes. In all cases it is simply a case of replacing one part to another. However, the parts do have to match.

Watch & Clock Repairs
If your jewellery is discoloured with dark patches or has lost its radiance so you can see a discolouration below a worn patch, then re-plating is the answer. This makes your jewellery shine like new.
To achieve this, all traces of the original plate and polish are removed so you have a smooth and polished foundation. There are three main metals used for plating; Rhodium, which is silver colour and part of the platinum family. It is ideal on white gold or silver.
Gold plate which is used for a variety of alloys and gives the illusion that the article is gold, and finally there is Silver which is used for plating anything from chains to trays.
We offer a full replating service to rejuvenate your jewellery. Simply pick what you want plated send us a photo and we will provide an estimate.
Your big event is here and the one day you have been waiting for arrives. Your super outfit and hat look sublime. However, horror strikes you, when you look down at your rings which look dull and lifeless on your hands. Do not worry, we have the solution to bring them back to life, making them scintillate and dazzle.
When your ring is looking dull or tired, we polish it on our high-speed cleaning mops, removing scratches and dents from the surface without weakening the structure of the ring: then a finishing polish before they take a bath in an ultra-sonic tank.
We check the articles over to make sure nothing has been damaged or is caught or snagged and all is in good order, and then we dry. Our finishing cleaning process will make the article look like a new product.
An engraved message transforms a simple article into a thoughtful and priceless gift. Engraving an article adds a unique touch which has a specific meaning to the recipient, whether it is a date or a name engraved or adding a special personal message.
There are various styles of engraving dependent on the material being engraved. Hand engraving is an art form. Every hand engraved article is unique as it is always slightly different and the styles are versatile owing to the engraver’s skill whatever the style from letters to pictures to textures and patterns.
Machine engraving is formed by machine and looks extremely effective with a great number of styles and fonts available. Also, the speed that the engraving is done is exceptional in comparison to hand engraving. We can provide you an estimate.
From a certified Diamond or a Ruby to an Emerald, Sapphire or any gem or stone, if it’s missing or damaged, we can help find you another one in almost any shape, size or style or cut, notwithstanding availability.
Gems can become damaged by heat, thermal shock and acids. Damage and cracks can occur. With diamonds, sapphires rubies & emeralds, indeed all stone or gem families, repairs such as resurfacing and faceting, repolishing the resin filling facets and redesigning gems with lasers to bring back the original sparkle and internal glow can be undertaken.
When your ring is out of vogue and you want a remodel, we can redesign and totally reconstruct the ring for you from scratch. It is always good practice to start a fresh with new alloys however whatever the style we can produce your piece to your design.
The jewellery valuation or appraisal is a detailed in-depth report with photographs of an article. The valuation goes into all aspects of construction, materials, era of jewellery, approximate weights of gems, type of gem family, and possible origins, date article was made and where produced: all aspects are assessed.
There are differing types of valuation. However, the process of valuing is the same for every valuation report. Valuations are undertaken by either registered valuers or by highly experienced individuals as valuing requires a large degree of practical knowledge in order to undertake this task.
The most frequently requested types of valuation:
- Valuation for insurance is a report on articles for an insurance company. Ideally it should be carried out every two to three years.This report assesses the article as if it were to be replaced at the present time so if lost a suitable article can be found of the same quality. It is important to keep your valuation report updated and current this can be done simply by asking your jeweller for an updated price as all the initial work has been done.
- A probate valuation is the price the article would fetch, if it were sold at auction after the death of the owner. The sum assessed will take into account the wear on the article and the open market value, weight of alloys and any other salient factors.
- The new replacement value is a valuation of the average current cost if lost, as new, today. It does not mean the article has to be handmade or reproduced it means as similar as one purchased from a retailer.
- Second hand replacement value is the current second-hand replacement price of a similar article. This most generally applies to older articles of between fifty to one hundred plus years of age, taking into account the current conditions of stones and condition of the article plus quality and the fact that wear is without doubt a factor in commercial value.
Handmade is as it sounds a jeweller making a ring for you from scratch, every part made by hand: There is a quite significant amount of waistage in hand made as the ring is made with rolled metal and milled shaped and soldered together.
From a drawing or a photo or simply an idea, we can create a three-dimensional computer aided design: which will make your concept a reality, a wax model, which shows the size and gauge of your piece.
Hallmarking is the process whereby the assay office assesses the amount of alloy in the ring mount. To pass the chosen quality being assessed, it must for example be the suitable number of parts out of 1000, which is the purest grade, (i.e., 18 carat 750 parts out of 1000).
If the quality is not met and the article is not of sufficient quality the alloy quality will be reduced to the next category of purity, i.e., 9ct in the case of 14ct and 14ct in the case of 18ct and 18ct in the case of 22ct.
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Get Your Jewellery Repaired Today
It Doesn't Matter Where You Live The Fine Art of Classic Jewellery Repair and Restoration is No Longer Out of Reach - Let Us Help You!
Our Process is Simple... It's As Easy As 1, 2, 3!

1. Send Us Your Item
Simply package your item and send it to us. When it comes to jewellery, we've repaired it all. From turn of the century watches to modern day wedding rings you can count on us to repair your precious valuables.

2. We Give You a Proper Quote
We will then take the time to fully examine your piece and verify what kind of repair or service it needs. We then give you a free and detailed quote so you have all the details you need including cost and timeframe.

3. We Repair & Send It Back To You
With your permission our master craftsmen will then expertly repair, restore or redesign your item to your exact specifications. We will then return it to you via guaranteed postal / courier service anywhere worldwide.
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