Sell Your Gold & Unwanted Jewellery
Every jewellery lover has broken earrings chains, bracelets also anklets and rings plus watches, etc. etc. What you might consider junk, which is left with the rest of your jewellery unused and alone at the bottom of your jewellery box has a value. This broken jewellery is a complete waste of potential revenue.
We will purchase your hallmarked or non-hallmarked jewellery. Please bear in mind with regard non-British hallmarked items, the price will be evaluated at the carat below: An example would be if it is stamped 18k the price offered will be at 15 carat level. The only true way to test precious metal is via an assay office who will assess the alloy content and provide a hallmark of correct quality.
We can get your articles hallmarked for you prior to purchase for second hand value: there is a nominal fee however ultimately this will obviously give you the correct second-hand value which is essential and make you potentially more money.
On this page we have grouped a selection of the most popular articles to sell.
Sell Your Gold
- Secondhand Gold
- Coins
- Unwanted Precious Metals
- Bullions
- Gold Coins
- Scrap Gold
- Gold or Precious Metals Wire
- Gold Findings
Sell Your Precious Metals
- Unwanted & Unloved Broken Jewellery
- Inherited Jewellery
- Classic Victorian, Edwardian & Georgian Jewellery
- Bracelets & Bangles
- Necklaces, Necklets & Cleopatra Choker
- Out of Fashion 1960s, 1970s, 1980s & 1900s Jewellery
- Signet & Wedding Rings
- Gold Rings & Earrings
- Gold Brooches & Assorted Jewellery
- Precious Metals – Pendants, Charms & Ingots
- Ladies & Gentlemen Gold Watches
Sell Your Stones
- Classic Victorian, Edwardian & Georgian Jewellery
- Inherited Non-Loved Stone Set Jewellery
- Solid & Hollow Bracelet & Chains
- Old Engagement & Eternity Rings
- Stone Set Gold Brooches & Bangles
- Broken & Unwanted Jewellery
Precious Metals & Gems Second Hand Purchase Price
It is impossible to give an individual estimate as every item is different and unique and also has a different value, an individual price will be given when goods have been tested and inspected.
Coins are set at a fixed price; however, they must be in as near to original condition as possible in order to achieve the correct market value and a small £30.00 fee might be added as an agent fee.
Client Services
Client Services
All Jewellery | Precious Metals | GemStones

Watches | Pocket Watches | Clocks
Sell Your Jewellery
Looking To Sell Your Jewellery? Go ahead, enter your details below and one of our highly experienced dedicated jewellers will be delighted to assist you with your enquiry.